The Libyans are making full use of their new-found freedom after 42 years under a dictatorial regime when even the slightest protest could get you in trouble and locked into prison. It did not take tens of thousands of protestors in the eastern city of Benghazi long to organise a spontaneous demonstration to express their frustration with the new National Transitional Council leaders.
In what has been described as the biggest demonstration in the city since the beginning of the revolt in February that eventually ousted Al Qathafi from power, the crowds gathered at the central Shajara square and Abdel Nasser Street demanding changes to Libya's interim leadership.
Following the protests the NTC declared that Benghazi as Libya's economic capital. The announcement was made at a news conference by Council member Abdelrazzak al-Aradi, who added that adding ministries related to the economy would be located there.
Asked if the decision was taken after the protests, Aradi said it was. Reading from a statement, he added: “Since the revolution the people of Benghazi feel they are marginialised and forgotten. Benghazi hosted the revolution for several months, and was one of the factors that enabled its success."
"So there will be no marginalisation or exclusion and the economic future that awaits this city and other cities will exceed all expectations. Benghazi will the economic capital of Libya," he said.
(Source: Tripoli Post)