3. Project Materials
3.1 All materials for permanent installation required to complete the above works such as steel plates, bricks and insulation material, paint etc. will be supplied by the owner.
3.2 All the consumable materials such as welding rods, tools and tackles shall be provided by the contractor.
3.3 All the equipment, welding machines i.e. cranes, forklifts, trucks etc. including manpower to execute the above works shall be provided by the contractor.
4. Time Schedule
4.1 The works shall be executed during the forthcoming turnaround of the Refinery scheduled to commence in the second half of 2013.
4.2 The contractor shall mobilize the resources and plan for round the clock (24 hours) working continuously to achieve the target within the set four (4) weeks completion period.
The companies wiling to take part in the prequalification process are required to submit their following documents :
1. Licenses for carrying out company activities in Libya.
2. Valid Local Tax Payment Certificate.
3. Statement of company’s financial status for the last three years.
4. A list of all projects previously completed by the contractor with locations, contract price etc.
5. Copies of the completion certificates issued by the concerned owners for the similar projects executed and completed by the contractor.
6. Company’s technical organization chart and list of equipment.
7. Subcontractors, if any.
8. Authority letter from the parent company in the event of prequalification of a branch or partner company.
9. Contact details of the company’s headoffice and branches i.e. telephone/telefax numbers, email identities, website etc.
The prequalification documents shall be addressed and submitted to the following by 22/07/2012.
The Chairman, Main Tenders Committee, Ground Floor, Administration Building, Azzawiya Oil Refining Company Inc. Azzawiya, Libya.
For any inquiries, visit our website www.maintender@arc.com.ly or contact the Main Tenders Committee on telephone +218-21-3610539-42 Ext.5331, telefax +218-23-7643411.
NB: Only the successfully prequalified companies shall be invited later to receive the tender documents for the project.