4- Bid to be submitted in four(4)separate envelopes, red Wax sealed, stamped from bidder, indicating project name, MTC No. and participating bidder's name to be indicated clearly on each envelope. First envelope is financial Composed of one original + three (3) copies. Second envelope is for technical (one original + three (3) Copies) without price, Otherwise, it will be rejected. Offer Validity should be, at least, three (3) months From the Closing date. Third envelope is un-priced commercial offer (without price, Otherwise, it will be rejected) & has to contain the required payment conditions with the necessity to agree on all AGOCO general terms and conditions to participate in the tender & also the acceptance that the Libyan Jurisdiction is the competent one to settle any disputes which might arise between the contract parties, and it should contain a copy of commercial offer without prices & it is composed of one original + three (3) Copies and attached with it is a Bid bond. Fourth envelope contains company supporting documents as pre-mentioned in condition 2. above.
5- Their must be no advanced payment by AGOCO to the contractor.
6- Bid bond value is 0.5% from bid total price and must be submitted as a certified cheque issued from a local Libyan bank to AGOCO, or bank guarantee valid for six (6) months from bid submission date. And to be attached with the un-priced offer in red wax sealed separate envelope. Bid bond cheques will be returned later for non accepted bidders.
7- Bids have to be submitted during the official working hours, to Main Tender Committee - Arabian Gulf Oil Company - Elkish- Benghazi-P.O.Box:263 by or before Thursday corresponding to 27/09/2012 14:00 o'clock.
8- Any bid which does not comply with the above mentioned conditions will be rejected. Low price is not the only controlling factor in evaluation. AGOCO reserves the right to cancel the tender without obligation to give any reason for such cancellation. And it has the right to handle the data in the proper manner to it after finalizing the tender.
For any inquiries, please, contact Main Tender Committee Secretariat on the Following address: Main Tender Committee -Office No.: (4)-New Building- Arabian Gulf Oil Company- Elkish- Benghazi -Libya - P.O.box:263 Fax No.:+218-61-2229006 Phone: +218-61-2228931-40 Ext.:3883
Note: All correspondences must be addressed to the head of Main Tender Committee of Arabian Gulf Oil Company. Main Tender Committee Arabian Gulf Oil Company