II. Minimum requirements for application and documentation to be provided by the Applicant
A. Environmental Management, Quality management, Health and Safety
1. a1) Availability of an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to ISO 14001 or, in relation to activities performed by the Applicant in the industry sector involved in this contract, in accordance with Regulation EC n.761/2001 (EMAS) (v. Nota 1). 761/2001 (EMAS) (see Note 1)
In the case of Consortium, at least the leader company shall have an EMS according to ISO 14001 (see Note 2).
The documentation (documentation of EMS or EMS certification issued by accredited institution), shall be provided to the Company when submitting the participation request.
In case of unavailability of the documentation or the certification relating to the EMS, a declaration of the Applicant shall be issued in order to accept an audit performed by the Company or a third party nominated by the Company. The audit, will concern the significant environmental aspects of business process management, with reference to the criteria described in ISO 14001.
In the case of Consortium, at least the leader company shall have an EMS according to ISO 14001 (see Note 2).
The documentation (documentation of EMS or EMS certification issued by accredited institution), shall be provided to the Company when submitting the participation request.
In case of unavailability of the documentation or the certification relating to the EMS, a declaration of the Applicant shall be issued in order to accept an audit performed by the Company or a third party nominated by the Company. The audit, will concern the significant environmental aspects of business process management, with reference to the criteria described in ISO 14001.
Note 1: The EMS must be relevant to the activities covered by the contract.
Note 2: The documentation of the EMS must be relevant to the activities that the member shall perform within the Consortium.
2. Availability of a Quality Management System (QMS)
in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008 (see Note 1).
In the case of Consortium at least the leader company shall have a QMS according to ISO 9001: 2008 (see Note 2).
The documentation (Quality Manual and any certification issued by the QMS accredited body for the sector covered by the certificate) must be provided to the Company when submitting the application.
Note 1: The QMS documentation must relate to the activities covered by the contract.
Note 2: The QMS documentation must relate to the activities that the member shall perform within the company group.NB1:
NB1: The QMS, commonly applied in industry sector of reference, in compliance with other international standards, will be accepted only if they meet all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.
NB2: The Company has the right to carry out audits of the Applicant in order to evaluate the effective implementation and application of the QMS.
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