Interested companies for the above tender must satisfy the stipulated requirements and submit the required information below:-:
1. Participants should be Libyan Company and / or partner with a National Company that meets the required (local) registration.
2. Capitalization cost should not be less than 1,000,000.00 LD (One Million Libyan Dinars) in accordance with the company's founding resolution.
3. Must possess or has to obtain the required International Quality Certification (e.g. ISO) or equivalent.
4. A company with no termination during the period of execution or validity of contract.
5. A company that had previous similar contract with Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. that have not complied with contract obligations and were issued with warning and penalties as per contract's penalty clause.
6. A company that have not withdrawn from the execution of the contract for reasons other than force majeure.
And provide information and documents referred to below with the knowledge that any shortage of the required information would result in disqualification:
1. Letter on Company's letterhead Addressed to the "Contract Department Manager" stating expression of interest on the respective tender.
2. Valid copy of Company Registration in Libya, if already registered, or details of Branch Office, Representative or Agent in Libya and Tax Department declaration.
3. Company Profile with full details of similar contracts performed with relevant and verifiable Reference List of Clients where the works had been undertaken Literature/catalogue of the entire range of work /service/equipment and any additional information that will enhance the potential of the applicant /consortium.
4. If your Company has participated in any of our previously Tenders, you are requested to provide the details of the tender but you are not requested to re-submit your company profile. However if there has been any changed to your company profile as per the required services in this Tender, please provide your updated profile accordingly for our review.
5. Submission of Financial Status document of the Company turnover for the last 3 years and the Organization Chart.
6. Have in place a formalized quality system complying with the requirements of international quality certification.
7. Two copies of the Prequalification Documents containing the above stated requirements shall be submitted in envelopes and marked:
Tender No. 668
Provision of Catering & Cleaning Services for El feel Field (Onshore Field)
Addressed to the " Contracts Department Manager " to the following address:
Mellitah Oil & Gas Company
Dahra Kebira Street, P.O. Box 346,
Or to the following E-mail address:
8. The prequalification documents shall be submitted not later than 20/12/2012
9. Company has the right to exclude any file dose not meet the above stipulated requirements.