- Finalize the English version of the NCSA Documents and Prepare and finalize the Arabic NCSA Strategy and Action Plan:
- Follow up with the Printing Office on the design and final layout for the English document.
- Translate the NCSA Strategy and Action Plan, English version, into Arabic.
- Provide a professional Arabic proof reader to review and finalize the NCSA Arabic Strategy and Action Plan.
- Follow up with the Printing Office on the design and final layout for the Arabic document.
- Help the National Partner in disseminating the NCSA Strategy and Action Plan:
- Support the EGA and UNDP Libya country office in organizing a public dissemination event to take place in Libya.
- Provide a Power Point Presentations in English and Arabic on the contents of the NCSA Strategy and Action Plan.
- Participate in the National Events, as necessary.
Please see documents here, here, and here.
(Source: United Nations)
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