Interested companies for the above tender must satisfy the specific requirements and submit the required information below. Failure to submit any of the under listed documents will render automatic disqualification:
Letter on Company's letterhead Addressed to the Tender committee coordinator, stating expression of interest in the tender.
Copy of Company Registration in Libya, if already registered, or details of Branch Office, Representative in Libya. (License, commercial record, tax payment, valid chamber of commerce registration certificate).
Company Profile with full details of similar contracts performed with relevant and verifiable Reference List of Clients where the works had been undertaken giving names and addresses of the Client, the Contract Title and brief description, location, value, start and completion dates.
Have in place a formalised Quality System complying with the requirements of International Quality Certification.
Literature/catalogue of the entire range of work/service/equipment and any additional Information that will enhance the potential of the applicant/consortium.
Submission of Financial Status document of the Company turnover for the last 3 years and the Organization Chart.
GreenStream.BV Company has the right to exclude any file that does not meet the above stipulated requirements.