Qualification requirements:
Medco International Ventures Limited (MIVL) invites all interested local and international Drilling Companies to submit to MIVL their complete prequalification documents, for registration and evaluation as follows:
- Company profile with full details of similar Contracts performed with reference list of Clients giving names and addresses as well as Work description, location, start and completion dates and value of Contracts.
- Financial Statement of Company for last 3 years.
- Copy of Company registration in Libya
- Company catalogue of entire range of Services offered by Company.
- Company Organization Chart.
Interested companies for the above indicated tender must satisfy the requirements stated above and submit the required information.
The prequalification request is not an invitation to tender.
Only eligible contractors that meet the pre-qualification criteria, which shall be determined by MIVL sole discretion, will be included in the bidders list.
This pre-qualification invitation implies neither commitment nor obligation, implied or otherwise, for MIVL to issue a tender or enter into a contract.
MIVL will not be responsible for any cost incurred for preparation and submission presented in response of this announcement.
MIVL has the right to exclude any file does not meet the above stipulated requirements.
Prequalification replies from interested companies should be sent by mail or delivered to no later than February 2nd, 2013 and addressed to:
Ref. A47/2013/001S Drilling Rig Services – Prequalification of Bidders
Kawthar Zarti – Tender Committee Member
Official Address :
Medco International Ventures Limited
Gargaresh Road Km 7.7
Hay Alwahda Alarabia
Opposite NOC housing complex
P.O Box 91350, Tripoli Libya
Email address: Kawthar.Zarti@medcoenergi.com
cc: aly.rasyid@medcoenergi.com
cc: Mustafa.BenAssa@medcoenergi.com
The pre-qualification documents shall indicate clearly the name of the company, address, phone number, personnel to contact, an email address and stating interest to pre-qualify as a bidder.
Important Notes:
The Pre-Qualification Request is not an Invitation to Tender
The ITT will only be issued to companies that have been pre-qualified.
MIVL will only deal with the actual companies performing the work and not through agents