The Turkish Economy Minister, Zafer Caglayan [Mehmet Zafer Çağlayan] (pictured), said he hopes that trade with Libya will hit $5 billion in 2013, up from $3.5 billion in 2012.
Caglayan was visiting Libya for meetings with Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, Transportation Minister Abd al-Qader Mohammed Ahmed, Finance Minister Elkilani Abd al-Karim al-Jazi, and President Mohammed al-Magariaf.
Speaking at the Turkey-Libya Business Forum on Tuesday, he said that Turkey would support Libya in issues such as "organized industrial zones, private economy zones, and incentive system", according to World Bulletin.
He added that there should be economic diversification in Libya, and it should be a country where Turkey would invest in tourism, industry, trade and services sectors.
(Source: World Bulletin)