Only three weeks ago, Libya marked the second anniversary of its revolution, a revolution the people of this country have made enormous sacrifices to achieve. This would not have been possible if it wasn't for the women and men struggling together and hand-in-hand to win their freedom after decades of dictatorship.
As we celebrate together the International Women's Day we must not miss the fact that you, the women of Libya, played a significant role in sparking this revolution and throughout it. In Benghazi two years ago, women protesters ignited the demonstrations which engulfed the country and ultimately led to the regime's downfall.
We remember too well the courage of the women then, whether in the protests, at the battle fronts or the Social Media frontlines which were as important during the struggle. Or the mother who prayed for her Thuwar children before going to fight or the sister, the daughter and the wife who treated the injured or those who wept for the loss of loved ones.
There were many who provided shelter and food to the Thuwar at great personal risk when such an act would have resulted in certain death. There were those among you who made the ultimate sacrifice or whose dignity was violated. Each Libyan woman contributed to this revolution, and the women and girls of this country deserve the salute and respect of a grateful nation.