The European Union has issued the following statement on its "European Neighbourhood Policy" (ENP) with regard to Libya:
Since the Revolution in 2011, Libya has made significant progress on the path of democratic transition as witnessed, among others, by the first ever free elections in July 2012. Important challenges however remain, with security being the most pressing concern.
The EU is a key partner supporting Libya in the transition process through a comprehensive programme focusing on support to public administration, migration, civil society, social services and security. The EU will seek re-launching negotiations for a comprehensive agreement with Libya normalising relations in a mutually beneficial legal framework.
No Country Progress Report is prepared for Libya since no ENP Action plan is in force.
Political situation and latest developments in EU relationship with the Country
After the events in 2011, Libya made in 2012 the first steps on the path of the democratic transition process. After 42 years of dictatorial rule, an institutional, mental, legal and societal reset was required, a process that is still ongoing and will require sustained international support.
The EU has accompanied this process from the very first moment. The EU's aim in Libya is to support the transition to a democratic, stable and prosperous Libya. More specifically this involves promoting “deep and sustainable democracy”, based on strong, transparent and accountable institutions and a vibrant civil society. In the area of stability and security it involves addressing the root causes of conflict and promoting the integration of Libya within the region and the world at large. In this regard support for the diversification of the economy and the creation of employment and trade opportunities will be critical. The EU will seek an agreement with Libya (drawing on the Association Agreements concluded with neighbouring countries) in order to formalise and normalise our relations in a mutually beneficial legal framework.