The Mellitah Oil & Gas Company intends to issue the below tender and wishes to invite for pre-qualification interested, experienced and reputable companies specialized in providing similar services stated below to submit full electronic file including all requirements for inclusion in the bidders list to be invited to participate in the following tender:
Tender Number 728
Study for the Management and Control of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials and Naturally Occurring Mercury in MOG Fields(Invitation of Technical Proposals)
Scope of Work
MOG intends to undertake a detailed study for the assessment of NORM and NOM for the following listed its facilities:
- Abu-Attifel Onshore Field;
- El Feel Onshore Filed;
- Offshore Bouri Field that includes Offshore Production Platform DP3, Offshore Production Platform DP4 and Offshore Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) tanker known as SLOUG;
- Wafa Field;
- Bahr Essalam Field & Sabratha Platform;
- Mellitah Complex;
- Baddar Disposal Site
The study has two major components.
1. The first component is to identify and classify MOG workplace / fields / plants and associated facilities for potential NORM & NOM risks after carrying out NORM & NOM survey and sampling / analyses of NORM & NOM material produced & waste) and assessment of NORM & NOM at each and every single facility of MOG. Accordingly, the field specific NORM & NOM Monitoring, Management & Control and Disposal Plans shall be developed for the protection of workers and the environment in compliance with relevant local and international legislation.
2. The second major component is to study and identify NORM & NOM formation process / mechanism by evaluating all the factors leading to NORM & NOM build-up at the facilities on the basis of data gathered during surveys, sampling & analyses, characterizing NORM & NOM and correlating this data to the assessment of the facilities. Potential corrective measures / ways and means to prevent and mitigate the problems of NORM & NOM building shall be identified and evaluated. The recommendations must lead to evaluate the possibility of producing a forecasting model for the formation of NORM & NOM on the basis of characteristics of deposits.
The Contractor shell also, adheres to all of the Mellitah company for oil and gas standards, government regulations and industry practices where applicable.