The Azzawiya Oil Refinery Company (ARC) [Zawia], A subsidiary of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), has invited suppliers of base oils and additives for pre-qualification:
We would like to advise you that ARC is the only company in Libya that produces finished lubrication oils, the capacity of which approximates 40,000 tons per year and expected to be increased up to 100 tons starting from beginning of year 2015.
Based on this fact, ARC Commercial Committee hereby announces its desire to invite the companies that are specialized in the field of supplying and synthesizing lube base oils and additives, and which have the experience and willingness to participate in this tender.
Interested companies should furnish the following prequalification documents:
- A statement showing its legal status.
- Proof of previous experience in the supplying and synthesizing of lubricant oils.
- Its management organization and financial status accompanied by updated balance sheet report covering the last three years.
- Identification of the source of its know-how.
- Any additional information that is worth to be added in this respect.
Such companies will, therefore, have to submit a folder with all above mentioned documents to the Secretary of the Commercial Committee at the General Administration Building, ARC headquarters 2nd flour, office no 168, during normal working hours and or by Committee e-mail, but not later than May 31st, 2013.
In case of acceptance, the prequalified companies will be invited to receive the ITB Documents against the payment of USD $ 5,000 non-refundable, or equivalent, taking into consideration that the contract duration will be 2 years (2014 – 2015) and subject to renewal for max one year.
For any further inquiries, please contact
fax No (00218) 237 643 500
(Source: NOC)