The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), on behalf of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), hereby invites you to submit your Proposal for the provision of training services including drafting training manuals and designing training courses in the areas of human rights promotion and protection, investigating and prosecuting human rights violations, terrorism crimes, cyber and IT crimes, organized crime, and in the area of crime scene examination and evidence collection. The trainings will be conducted under the framework of S66 project ‘Support to Criminal Justice Reform in Libya’ .
Under Outcome 1 “ Increased awareness on criminal justice reform among justice sector, and codes, legislation brought in line with international standards and training capacities of training institutions of justice officials upgraded” Output 3 “The training capacities of the High Judiciary Institute and law enforcement institutions upgraded” The selected institution will design and deliver training courses of trainers in the areas of promoting and protecting human rights in the administration of justice, detecting, investigating human rights violations in prisons and detention centers and police custodies, and in the area of crime scene examination techniques, evidence collection techniques and standards of evidence., and in the area of investigating and prosecuting, Terrorism crimes and organized crime, and detecting, investigating and prosecuting cyber and IT crimes. The manuals should include components on witnesses and victims protection as well as training methodology and criteria to measure the effectiveness of the training delivery by the trained instructors and the use of knowledge obtained by the trained prosecutors, judges and police investigators from the implementing the developed manuals. The design of the training materials and courses and the delivery of trainings must be based on practical training methodology ensures upgrading the skills of the targeted instructors to provide training to justice officials and make the best use of the designed training manuals.
This prospective task is expected to contribute to strengthening the training capacity of the High Judiciary Institute and law enforcement training institutions with an ultimate aim which is enhancing the capacities and upgrading of the crime investigators and prosecutors as well as judges.