The Mellitah Oil & Gas Company intends to issue the below tender and wishes to invite for pre-qualification interested, experienced and reputable companies specialized in providing similar services stated below to submit all requirements for inclusion in the bidders list to be invited to participate in the following tender:
Tender Number 736
To Intent to pre-qualify Contractors for General Maintenances Services and Technical Assistances for Wafa Field Plant and Pipe lines.
Scope of Work
Provision of Service covering the General Maintenance Service of Wafa Field Plant &Pipeline including and without Limitation the execution of the following activities:-
-Provision of General maintenance in a Professional , efficient and expert manner.
-Maintenance Management and maintenance Engineering.
-Preventive Maintenance and Programmed maintenance.
-Corrective Maintenance.
-Modification and Improvements.
The Contractor shall adhere to standards, specifications and technical requirements including the scope of work. The Contractor shall also adhere to all of the Mellitah Oil & Gas Company Standards, government regulations and industry practices where applicable.