The Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) has announced a tender for the supply and installation of equipment and materials for a new satellite stations at Sarir oil field (GC-2 & GC-4). (MTC 24\2013)
Brief Project Description:
Installation of two satellites at GC-2 and one satellite in GC-4 each with four new (6- slots) manifolds c/w all associated piping, valves and fittings. The contractor shall include for supply of one (6- slots) manifold for GC-2, remaining manifolds shall be supplied by the company.
Installation of one Test separator at GC-4 c/w all associated instruments, piping, valves and fittings.
Supply and installation of two Kms of 12”Trunk line connecting the new satellite to the existing GC-4 c/w Scraper Launcher and Receiver.
Installation of a Company supplied instrument air package & three chemical injection skids c/w all associated piping, valves and fittings.
Contactor shall supply/install all required equipment, materials….etc to carry out the contractor’s obligation as outlined in Bid documents such as General condition / special condition, specification…etc).
All specialized companies which have the true desire to participate in this tender ,and have the efficiency ,ability, previous experience and specialized in the above mentioned field , be notified that tender documents shall be withdrawn during the period from :
Day: Tuesday, Corres.To: 23/07/2013 A.D To Day: Thursday, Corres. To: 25/07/2013 A.D, from: 12:00 P.M to: 14:00 P.M through a direct delivery to their representatives who have to fill the attached receipt form to be brought later on the date of delivery, in order to ease and speed the procedure to draw the tender booklet from the Main Tender Committee- office No. (4)-New building at the AGOCO headquarter- Alkies- Benghazi, upon an amount of money about one thousand five hundred (1500) Dinars .L.D paid through non refundable certified cheque issued by one of the working Libyan banks, for the benefit of the Arabian Gulf Oil company.
However, the booklet is allowed to be drawn only by bidders capable of providing the documents requested according to the following terms: