Providing food during Ramadan
The ICRC is cooperating with the Libyan Red Crescent and the Ministry of Religious Affairs to make sure that the basic food needs of at least 36,000 people in four major cities are met during the fasting month of Ramadan. Various food items have been distributed in Sabha and Misrata since 13 July, in Tripoli since 14 July, and in Benghazi since 18 July.
"The idea is to give poor people the opportunity to eat something after their 16-hour-long daily fast," explained Asma Khaliq Awan, the ICRC delegate managing the distribution. "This Ramadan, the aim is to provide food for more people through reinforced cooperation between the Libyan Red Crescent and the ICRC."
Clean drinking water is restored for people in Tamina
The ICRC has made safe water more readily available for over 21,000 people by providing support for local water boards in the west, east and south of the country. In Tamina, near Misrata, it has upgraded the water supply system. "It's important for people to have access to basic necessities such as clean water," said Yannis Khemiri, head of the ICRC sub-delegation in Misrata. Tamina's water supply was destroyed during the conflict in 2011. The ICRC has also supplied water in Al-Kufra, Al-Hamiyah and Al-Abyar, Benghazi, and treated sewage and wastewater in a plant in Al-Suwaydiyah serving 3,000 people.
For further information, please contact:
Saleh Dabbakeh, ICRC Tripoli, tel: +218 919 307 706
Jean-Yves Clémenzo, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 22 730 22 71 or +41 79 217 32 17
(Source: ICRC)