Libya Herald reports that 16 candidates have been nominated for the governorship of the Central Bank of Libya, with a further 14 nominated for the deputy governorship.
Among those proposed as governor are Ali Tarhouni, the economy minister in the first post revolution administration led by Mahmoud Jebril under the National Transitional Council.
A shortlist of three candidates for each of the posts will be drawn up by the Congress Finance Committee, with the final appointments expected to be announced next week.
Candidates should have a Masters Degree in economics or financial management, banking experience of not less than 25 years and “a deep understanding of the banking business to meet the basic standards”, and they must not have foreign nationality. They should also be well versed in both international banking business and Islamic banking practice.
According to Libya Herald, a spokesperson for the Committee claimed that the decision to replace the current governor and his deputy was because financial and administrative corruption.
The candidates for the new CBL governor are:
- Ali Omar Ewrrhouma
- Murad Buzuaq
- Mohamed Mosadeq Al-Alaqi
- Said Mohmed Al-Attrash
- Abdulfatah Abdulsalam Bu Habbail
- Mohassen Ali Eddraija
- Ali Mohamed Al-Majbari
- Jamal Al-Tayab Abdulmalek (Governor of the Commercial and Development Bank)
- Ahmed Mohamed Rajab
- Ibrahim Omar Al-Haddad
- Mostafa Saleh Al-Saidi
- Omar Abdulnabi Omar Belqasem
- Mahmoud Al-Hadi Ehmouda
- Al-Mabrouk Mohamed Al-Zawi
- Ali Tarhouni (Economy Minister under the NTC)
- Abdulhameed Abdulkareem Al-Sheikhi
The candidates for the new CBL deputy are:
- Mohamed Younes Al-Warrfli
- Ahmed Abdulsalam Al-Shukri
- Al-Mabrouk Al-Shebani
- Sameer Saad Al-Fawal
- Iddrees Mohamed Al-Ahaimer
- Omar Yakhlef Al-Haj
- Al-Sadeq Hassain Ghaith
- Ahmed Omar Tarrhouni
- Issam-Addin Salem Alaq
- Al-Hadi Ali Muftah Iddrees
- Mustafa Ali Abu Hmaira
- Ahmed Salem Ahmed Abdulmoula
- Ali Ramadan Eshnaibesh
- Abdulsalam Salem Al-Herma
(Source: Libya Herald)