The tender committee of the Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company (RASCO) invites sealed bids from eligible contractors for the following project:
- Project No: 9896
- B.D. Price: 500 Ld
- Preliminary Insurance: 3000 . Ld
- Bid Closing Date: 12/11/2013
- Site Inspection: 27-28/10/2013
- Bid Doc. Availability Till: 24/10/2013
It is required to carry out rehabilitate the diesel workshop according to under here scope of work and attached drawings.
Interested specialized contractors who have enough experience and knowledge to perform such an activity are invited to tender for the above mentioned project by nominating a rep. to collect tender’s documents from tenders committee office in Ras Lanuf daily from 10:30 am to 12:30. Documents also can be obtained (upon request) from our offices in Benghazi /or Tripoli (as per the attached steps) .
Bidders are kindly requested to:
§ Purchase ITB document, payment in form of certified check (company account) in favor of Ras Lanuf oil & Gas Processing Company (this is not refundable, and documents shall be the property of Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company).
§ Provide company profile showing financial status and past experience in this field.
§ Offer must be presented in sealed envelopes as follows:
a) Technical offer.
b) Commercial offer (priced).
c) Commercial offer (not priced)in which the Preliminary insurance should be included in form of certified check payable to Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company, Private account not accepted.
§ Each envelope should indicate: content, project title, project No. and bidders name and contact address.
§ Bids should be valid for 120 days, bidders are responsible for bids preparation and expenses.
§ Contract shall be in accordance with N.O.C. Contracting and Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Co. special conditions.
§ RASCO T.C. is neither obliged to give explanation for rejected offers nor to choose the lowest offered price.
§ Financial evaluation shall be restricted to the technically accepted offers.
§ Bids not meeting requirements and those not meeting B.C.D. shall be rejected.
§ Site inspection should be arranged with Project Department on the following numbers: 0913821037 0925108922
§ For more information do not hesitate to contact tenders Committee during working hours on 054 3843304 or on tenders Committee’s
Either from Tripoli or Benghazi office
Interested Contractor should:
§ Email Tenders Committee Chairman to get approval to participate and nominate a representative to collect docs and specify which office to get documents from (Tripoli, Benghazi or Ras Lanuf).
§ From Tenders Committee Chairman, contractor shall email a copy of the certified checque in favour of Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company .
§ Tenders Committee will inform the specified company (contractor) about the date & Place of receiving the I.T.B.
§ Tenders Committee shall send documents to Rasco (Tripoli or Benghazi office) to hand to the specified contractor.
§ Rasco Office shall receive the authorization letter and certified check from contractor.
(Source: NOC)