Bearing in mind that establishing secure and stable borders is crucial to ensuring well-managed migration flows and to protect the fundamental rights of migrants, the EU is committed to enhance its cooperation with and assistance to the Libyan government to improve Libya's capacity to manage the security of all its borders and to combat human smuggling and trafficking, illicit smuggling of goods and weapons, and in the fight against terrorism.
The EU will respond to these challenges with all appropriate instruments. One important element of EU's comprehensive answer towards the Libyan needs is the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM Libya) through which the EU will contribute to the capacity building of the Libyan border authorities.
The EU believes that an increased cooperation with neighbouring countries is also essential and welcomes in that respect all efforts aiming at fostering regional cooperation, including the Rabat follow-up conference to the regional conference on borders held in Tripoli in March 2012.
7. With the intention to establish long-term and mutually beneficial relations, the EU is determined to strengthen its engagement with all sections of Libyan society, including through the European Neighbourhood Policy and the re-launch of negotiations of the EULibya Framework Agreement.
The EU underlines the importance of Libyan civil society, including human rights defenders, youth, women, local authorities and media, for the future of Libya and will continue supporting it. The EU further proclaims its support of regional initiatives such as the Union for the Mediterranean, the 5+5 Western Mediterranean Forum and the Arab Maghreb Union. The EU encourages any further efforts on regional integration and cooperation across the Maghreb.
8. The EU stresses the need for a response based on close coordination with international partners and reiterates its support to the work and activities undertaken by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Finally, the EU reconfirms its determination in securing a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future for the Libyan people.
(Source: EU)