The Waha Oil Company (WOC), Tripoli has announced a tender for Hi-Line Insulators cleaning and maintenance of Hi-Yards (hot state) of WOC 138 K.V/34.5 K.V/ 13.8 K.V. Grid in the filds and terminal as per below described requirements.
Therefore, local and international Specialized Companies who possess the potential to execute this project and interested to participate in the prequalification of bidders are requested to fill in the attached questionnaires and submit complete file attached with the requirements listed in the questionnaire for Prequalification Purpose by Waha Oil Company.
• 4 Crews are required, one crew to each field (Waha, Gallo, Samah, Dahra and Es-Sidra terminal).
• Each crew comprises of 6 technicians with Minimum 10 years experience in this field.
• Each crew should have a supervisor who has the ability to read, speak and write in English and prepare required reports.
• All crews must be equiped with all necessary equipment including specially designed truck to wash insulators in hot state. Needed Equipment, Washing trucks, Special tools, to be listed and attached.
All companies intending to participate in this project are requested to submit letter of intent to participate in the prequalification process for this tender.
Companies not registered in Waha Oil Company recently are requested to submit (supplier registration questionnaire and contractor pre-qualification questionnaire) attached with the requirements listed in the questionnaire for registration and Prequalification Purpose, and audited financial status (balance sheet for the last two years).
Companies registered and prequalified recently in WOC is required to submit the letter of intent indicating the registration №, and audited financial reports (balance sheet for the last two years).
All Companies intending to participate in this project should provide Well defined specialty, previous experience and provide list of similar projects executed inside and outside Libya.
· Dead line to submit application 30/11/2013.
· Incomplete files will be rejected.
· The Invitation to bid (ITB) will be sent only to the qualified companies based on prequalification results.
· Documents to be submitted to Secretary, Tender Committee of Waha Oil Company Airport Road Km 4.5.
· For any query please contact chairman of bidders qualification and registration committee (Phone/fax +218 21 2202014 ).
(Source: NOC)