Upper Quartile in association with WYG International and Altai Consulting have been contracted to provide technical assistance for the implementation of the Libyan Private Sector Development Institutions (LSPDI) programme, tendered though DFID’s Fragile and Conflict Affected States Framework Agreement (FCAS).
LSPDI is a three-year DFID funded programme focused on strengthening the capacity of the key Libyan institutions that can support the development of a competitive private sector. Three institutions have been identified as suitable for technical assistance based on their legitimacy, appetite for reform, and potential to contribute to sustainable private sector development. These are:
- Libya Enterprise - Libya’s national SME agency and its network of Incubators and Enterprise Centres;
- Libya Chambers of Commerce;
- The Libyan Ministry of Labour’s Job Centres.
The programme is based on delivering the following three workstreams:
- Designing a new portfolio of business support services to be delivered by eight Incubators and Enterprise Centres led by Libya Enterprise. Training to international standards of at least 50 advisors from Libya Enterprise institutions, enabling them to support SME development throughout Libya;
- Functional reviews for the Tripoli, Misurata, Benghazi and Sebha Chambers of Commerce, with technical assistance provided to follow up on recommendations;
- Technical assistance, on a pilot basis, to three Job Centres to overhaul their job matching databases and capacity to find unemployed people jobs within six months of registering.