In an event held on Saturday afternoon in Tripoli, Libyan graduates of the Forsa mentoring programme met to celebrate their achievements in promoting entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development in the country.
Forsa is a UK-sponsored initiative supporting entrepreneurship in six Arab countries.
The programme helps young Libyan entrepreneurs build leadership skills, expand their businesses and create more jobs by benefiting from the guidance of a senior business leader.
In November and December 2013, Forsa held two three-day mentoring workshops in Libya and matched 27 promising new entrepreneurs with experienced volunteer mentors from the business community.
Following the workshops, mentors continue to provide free one-on-one guidance and support to entrepreneurs over a minimum of 12 months.
Speaking about Forsa’s achievements in Libya thus far, Forsa Mentoring Manager Haider Shakiry said:
“Forsa is one of the first mentorship programmes for entrepreneurs inside Libya. We were delighted to see our Libyan members coming together to help one another to build strong and prosperous new businesses that will enrich and benefit their community.”
“Based on Forsa alumni feedback, clearly mentoring is an effective means of nurturing successful entrepreneurs.”
Forsa mentors and entrepreneurs also spoke about their experiences in the programme.
Mahamad Ebara, owner of Elrataj Cushion Manufacturing, said that, thanks to his mentor, Mr Husny Bey, he has trebled his factory’s output, raised his workers salaries, and recruited family members to help him to grow his business.