Interested companies for the above tender must satisfy the stipulated requirements and submit the required information below. Failure to submit any of the under listed documents will render automatic disqualification
1. Letter on Company's letterhead Addressed to the "Contracts Dept. Manager - Oil Division" stating expression of interest on the respective tender.
2. Copy of Company Registration in Libya, if already registered, or details of Branch Office, Representative or Agent in Libya.
3. Company profile with full details of similar contracts performed with relevant verifiable refernce list of clients where the works had been undertaken Literature/Catalogue of the entire rang of work service/equipment and any additional information that will enhance the potential /consotium.
4. Submission of financial Status document of the Company turnover for th last 3 years and the Organization Chart.
5. ISO 9001 Certificate .
6. Only successful bidders will be notified on the prequalification and Company has no responsibility to inform the unsuccessful bidder(s) or give its reason(s) for being unsuccessful.
7. Two copies of the prequalification Documents containing the above stated requirements shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and marked:
Tender No. (785)
Provision and Installation of Prefabricated Accmmodation Rooms At Abu-Attifel
Field )A-100)
Address to the (Contracts Department Manager-Oil Division)
to the following address:
Millitah Oil & Gas Company ( Oil Devision)
Dahra Kebira P.O. Box 346, Tripoli –Libya
Electronic copy shall be submitted through emill
8. The prequalifcation documents shall be submitted not later than 14/01/2015