Participants to the Libyan political dialogue wrapped up three days of positive and constructive discussions in Morocco on Saturday and are taking a pause for consultations with their respective constituencies before resuming the talks on Wednesday 11 March 2015.
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and the Libyan participants agreed that the pause in the talks next Monday and Tuesday would give the key stakeholders time to evaluate the progress made so far and to discuss with their delegations the way forward.
Important progress has been made so far in the talks aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to end the conflict in Libya. Discussions focused on security arrangements to end the fighting and the formation of a national unity government to end the institutional divisions in the country.
UNSMIL looks forward to the talks continuing in the same spirit of full engagement and determination by the parties to reach a political agreement to bring stability to Libya.
The Mission expresses its deep appreciation to the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting this round of talks, which represents the commitment of the Kingdom to support peace and stability in the region.
(Source: UNSMIL)