Workshop on How to Effectively Manage Budgets for Elections
A technical workshop was recently held in Tunis, Tunisia aimed at strengthening the skills of Libyan electoral officials to budget for elections.
Eighteen staff from the High National Elections Commission of Libya (HNEC), representing nine field office and the headquarters, participated in the workshop that was organized by the UN Electoral Support Team.
The UN Electoral Support Team draws together resources from UNSMIL and the UN Development Programme’s Libya Electoral Assistance Project. The workshop, which took place between 9 and 12 August 2015, focused on establishing the tools necessary to create and effectively manage budgets for elections.
Building on experience of the elections in Libya between 2012 and 2014, the UN Electoral Support Team sought to introduce methods used by established electoral management bodies that will be helpful to HNEC in managing resources throughout future electoral cycles.
The workshop is part of the UN Electoral Support Team’s ongoing programme of capacity development is support of Libya’s electoral sector, with particular focus on the High National Elections Commission.
The event is organized with the financial support of the European Union through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument.
(Source: UNSMIL)