The Mellitah Oil & Gas Company (Oil Division) intends to issue the tender below and wishes to invite for pre-qualification interested, experienced and reputable companies specialized in providing similar services for inclusion in the bidders list:
TENDER NO. (803)
Maintenance and Repair of Photocopy Machines at Company's Locations.
The types of the photocopy machines are:
- Minolta
- Canon
- Konica
Interested companies for the above tender must satisfy the stipulated requirements and submit the required information below. Failure to submit any of the under listed documents will render automatic disqualification:
Letter on Company's letterhead Addressed to the "Contracts Dept. Manager - Oil Division" stating expression of interest on the respective tender containing the following:
1. Documents required:
- Commercial registration.
- Work permit (license).
- Tax Payment Certificate.
- Company basic regulation.
- Company establishment Contract.
- Organization Structure.
2. Company’s profile with full details of similar contracts performed with relevant verifiable reference list of clients where the works had been undertaken, Catalogue of the entire range of work, service, equipment and any additional information relevant.
3. Financial Status documents of the Company’s turnover for the last 3 years attested by the Audit Bureau or Chartered certified Accountants, and the Organization Structure of applying organization.
4. ISO 9001 Certificate.
5. The Company has no obligations to inform the unsuccessful bidder(s) or give any reason(s) for being unsuccessful, only successful bidders will be notified.
6. Two copies of the pre-qualification Documents containing the above stated requirements shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and marked:
Tender No. (803)
Maintenance and Repair of Photocopy Machines at Company's Locations.
Addressed to (Contracts Department Manager-Oil Division) as following:
Millitah Oil & Gas Company ( Oil Devision)
Dahra Kebira P.O. Box 346,
Tripoli –Libya
Electronic copy shall be submitted through email
7. The prequalifcation documents shall be submitted not later than 28/11/2015
Important Notes
- The pre qualification request is not an invitation to tender. Company is neither committed nor obligated to undertake the work described above or to issue any call for tender or to include any respondent to this invitation or other company on any Bidders List or to award any form of contract.
- The Invitation to Tender (ITT) Package will only be issued to qualified companies that have been pre-qualified.
- Company will not be responsible for whatsoever costs incurred for preparation and submission presented in response to this notice.
- Company shall deal only with authorized officers of the bidding companies and not through individuals or agents.
(Source: NOC)
(Tenders image via Shutterstock)