The Brega Petroleum Marketing Company (BPMC) has announced a pre-qualification tender for ta new Truss Project in Ras Al-Mungar [Ras Elmungar] Terminal according to international standards and the scope of work and requirements which are summarized in the following essential items:
- The Truss has an area of 40m * 40m.
- Supply and construct the reinforced concrete for foundations, columns and ground also the concrete for block walls and plastering works.
- Supply and install the galvanized steel structures.
- Supply and install the ceiling and the sides from the sandwich panels.
- Supply and install the steel doors.
- Supply and install the electrical works.
- Indoor and outdoor painting works.
Therefore, companies possessing relevant experience and registered in Libya with technical and financial capabilities are invited to express their interest in participation to execute this project by submitting their file for the pre-qualification according to the following terms and conditions:
- Fill the PQQ available via WWW.BREGA.LY/APP_FORM.XLSXand return via email HIGHERTENDERS@BREGA.LYand enclosed a hard copy with the company’s file.
- Provide organisation's articles of incorporationa cover letter expressing of interest to participate in the tender and the documents for the registration in Libya (Official evidence attesting registration at the commerce registration office, valid business license, and valid tax clearance certificate).
- Provide the financial status for the last) 3( years (20112-013-2014)in Arabic language andauthenticated by legal auditor.
- Provide previous experience of similar scope of work.
- Provide list of technical crew and company’s equipment.
- Full address of company headquarter and its branches, telephone, Fax numbers, email and website address.
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