Eni North Africa B.V. Libyan Branch (ENI NA) wishes to verify the availability of reputable, interested and experienced contractors specialized in providing Transportation Services as better detailed in “Appendix D”.
As a result of ENINA evaluation in respect of above required service, only qualified, specialized and experienced vendors will be registered within ENI NA vendor list and will be invited to tender for the above mentioned activities. In case you are interested in participating in our future tenders in order to be an approved vendor, as a first step, we will need to be provided with the following documentation/info:
1. Copy of certified statement of registration in Libya – Chamber of commerce (Scan copy of the originals plus English Translation);
2. Company’s profile/brochure;
3. References & brief description of Works/Goods/Services provided during the last 3 (three) years with regards of Provision of above listed services;
4. Copy of Tax Certificate (Scan copy of the originals plus English Translation);
5. Company Social Insurance Code (Scan copy of the originals plus English Translation);
6. Receipts of the last 3 months Social Security Contribution Payment (Scan copy of the originals plus English Translation);
7. Company / Group’s structure chart;
8. Company’s organization chart;
9. Name of the shareholders, together with the percentage and the title of share ownership;
10. Balance sheet of the last three years, with the following information:
- Capital Value;
- Net Assets / Shareholders funds;
- Turnover, latest year available;
- Main declared activity of the company;
- Number of registered employees;
- Holding Company or part of a Group.