Garda World Security Corporation, the world’s largest privately owned security and cash services provider, announced today that its International Protective Services business is now the first company in the world to hold the ISO 18788 security standard across its entire operations.
This standard builds on a number of efforts that have emerged to govern private security provision and ensure responsible security operations in complex environments, including: International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for Private Security Service Providers, ANSI ASIS.PSC.2012 (an auditable international management system standard), the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and the Montreux Document. This certification demonstrates that GardaWorld has chosen to put respect for human rights at the center of its risk management framework.
GardaWorld continues to lead the way being not only the first, but the only PSC in the world to achieve global certification of all of its services to this new standard (ISO 18788).
There is growing international consensus about human rights responsibilities of businesses and this new International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO 18788 outlines a risk management framework for the conduct of security operations. This new standard is invaluable to organizations providing and contracting security services.
GardaWorld International Protective Services now proudly holds ISO certifications in:
- Management system for private security operations (ISO 18788)
- Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations (PSC.1-2012)
- Quality Assurance Management (ISO 9001)
- Environmental Management (ISO 14001)
- Societal Security – Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301), and
- Occupational Health and Safety Management (BS OHSAS 18001).
“These certifications cover every service that we provide throughout the world,” explains GardaWorld International Protective Services President and COO Oliver Westmacott. “They not only demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of GardaWorld’s operations, but also the wealth of international experience the company has established from years spent working with clients on the ground in complex environments and emerging markets.”
Companies seeking risk management and security services can choose GardaWorld with confidence that it maintains the highest standards of professionalism, corporate governance and ethical standards that are continually reviewed and maintained through external expert certification.
“We operate in a comprehensive and responsible manner that enhances human safety and security while conforming to international and local laws and human rights standards,” notes GardaWorld Senior Manager, Compliance & Assurance Karel Simpson. “To assist our clients in achieving their objectives, we manage risks to all our stakeholders including our clients, persons working for us and on our behalf, affected communities and our suppliers.”
(Source: GardaWorld)