5. Paying value of (1000) LD (One Thousand Libyan dinars) cash or by a certified check which is non refundable, issued by a Libyan bank in favor of Harouge Oil Operations.
6. Bid bond with a value of (2,500) LD (Tow Thousand five hundreds Libyan Dinars) submitted with your offer in the form of a certified check in a separate envelope, which shall be refunded in the event of failure to secure the tender. The check shall be issued by a Libyan bank in favor of Harouge Oil Operations.
Notes: Any company or contractor interested in participating in this tender is responsible for all costs involved.
If you have any questions please contact the Tender Committee via:
fax no :+218- 21- 3330090
Email to: sac@harouge.com
(Source: NOC)