By Peter Millett, British Ambassador to Libya.
What does Brexit mean for Libya? Many Libyans have asked me this question during my visits to Tripoli. Does the fact that the British people voted to leave the European Union mean that the United Kingdom will be less interested in Libya?
Absolutely not. The UK will be as committed to Libya as before: backing the implementation of the Skhirat Libya Political Agreement, working with the Presidency Council and co-operating on tangible assistance to the Ministers in the Government of National Accord.
The UK’s relationship with Libya precedes its membership of the EU, going back to the days of the Second World War and Libya’s independence in the 1950s. In 2011, our coalition with NATO partners protected civilians during the revolution. Now, our overall aim will continue to be: peace, security, stability and prosperity in Libya.
Read Ambassador Millett's full article here.
(Source: UK FCO)