The Joint Technical Coordination Committee (JTCC) met for the first time on Wednesday in Tripoli, at the Ministry of Planning.
The meeting was chaired by the Director of Technical Cooperation Department of the Libyan Ministry of Planning and co-chaired by the United Nations’ Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim for Libya (RC/HC a.i.). The participants were the representatives of Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, UK, US, UNICEF and UNSMIL.
The Minister of Planning opened the session, which was one of the first multilateral meetings to convene in the Libyan capital since mid-2014. The Ministry of Planning, the UN and representatives from the international community agreed to ensure stronger and more effective international assistance to the GNA.
The participants undertook to advance as priorities the work on restoration and delivery of basic services and economic recovery, with the commitment to develop initial sectoral working plans within the next month. They also agreed to further discuss assistance on key topics such as governance and migration.
The attendees also agreed to propose to the Libyan Prime Minister to convene the Senior Policy Committee in Tripoli within the next month, with the participation of the Presidency Council and the international community at ambassador level.
“The presence of JTCC in Tripoli today is a positive step, showing the international community’s commitment to continue supporting the Libyan people and the Government of National Accord. It indicates that we are going towards normalizing the presence of international community in our Capital.” said Dr. Taher Jehaimi, Libyan Minister of Planning designate.
“I am profoundly satisfied by the results achieved today” declared Dr. Jaffar Syed Hussain, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. for Libya “ This is a joint effort and not only were we able to meet in Tripoli but we agreed on a way forward. By strengthening our cooperation, we aim to support the Libyan national institutions in providing services to all Libyans.
The representatives of the member states expressed their pleasure to be present in Tripoli and underlined the continued commitment to support the Libyan people and institutions.
“The ministry is fully ready to assume the duties related to coordination of international assistance to Libya and we again invite the international community and the United Nations to have full presence in Tripoli “stated Mr Esam Garbaa, director of Technical Cooperation Department.
(Source: UNSMIL)