The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has issued its November bulletin.
- US$120.7 million funding gap still exists for activities under the 2016 HRP.
- More than 89,000 people benefited from life-saving medicines and medical supplies provide by WHO across Libya.
- 6,770 MT of food for more than 113,000 people distributed in October but funding gaps remain.
- 304 migrants voluntarily repatriated in October to Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya and Gambia.
- UNICEF delivered 1.8 million doses of polio vaccinations to the Ministry of Public Health for the upcoming vaccination campaign aiming to target 1.5 million children.
- Azzawya, Benghazi and Derna remain areas of concern due to ongoing fighting.
The full bulletin can be downloaded here.
(Source: HumanitarianResponse)