# Pre-Qual. 001/17/GSLB
Maintenance Services & Running Operation Assistance for Mellitah Gas Compression Station (MGCS)
I. Conditions for participation
Applications are to be submitted by single Contractors (“Applicants”) specialized in the maintenance services of gas plants and/or gas compressor stations.
The Company will not accept any Applications that will not fulfill the full Scope of Work.
Prequalification documents shall be submitted to the Company not later than Thursday 16 February 2017.
The prequalification request is NOT an invitation to tender. The Company is neither committed nor obliged to undertake the services described in the Scope of Works or to issue any call for tender or to include any Applicant to this invitation or other company on any Bidder List or to award any form of Contract.
The requested documentations must be submitted to the Company in the same order and references as listed below, under chapter II (brochure, catalogue, company handbooks etc., will not be considered on their own).
Any Applicants that do not comply with the following minimum requirements and do not supply the requested documents below and under chapter II and III will be excluded from the tender phase.
In the application document, Applicants shall give the following information:
1) Company name, legal structure, type of Company, membership in a group, if any.
2) A Declaration that the Applicant is not bankrupt or is being wound up or whose affair are being administered by the court or who has entered into an arrangement with creditors or is subject to proceeding for declaration of bankruptcy or received an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or anything similar.
3) A Declaration that the Applicant has never been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct or has never been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means.
A declaration that the Applicant has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the 1) country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority.
2) A Declaration that the Applicant is not included in the table as per Libyan Law No. 47 of 2012 amending Law No. 36 for the year 2012 “Concerning Administration of the Assets and Properties of certain persons”, as amended and updated by the contracting authorities.
3) A Declarations that the Applicant has not been sentenced by final judgment for infringements of the local and internationals criminal laws, for relevant infringements of the local and international labor rights and laws concerning health, environment and security at work.
4) A Declaration that the Applicant is not registered in local or international lists of companies with local or international sanctions.
5) A Declaration that Applicant is available to stipulate direct contracts for technical assistance with the main suppliers of the equipment installed in the MGCS (e.g. General Electric).
I. Minimum requirements for application and documentations to be provided by the Applicant
A. Environmental Management, Quality management, Health and Safety
1. Availability of an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to ISO 14001 or, in relation to activities performed by the Applicant in the industry sector involved in this contract, in accordance with Regulation EC n. 761/2001 (EMAS) (see Note 1). The documentation (documentation of EMS or EMS certification issued by accredited institution), shall be provided to the Company when submitting the participation request. In case of unavailability of the documentation or the certification relating to the EMS, a declaration of the Applicant shall be issued in order to accept an audit performed by the Company or a third party nominated by the Company. The audit, will concern the significant environmental aspects of business process management, with reference to the criteria described in ISO 14001.
Note : The EMS must be relevant to the activities covered by the scope of work.
2. Availability of a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008 (see Note below). The documentation (Quality Manual and any certification issued by the QMS accredited body for the sector covered by the certificate) must be provided to the Company when submitting the application.
Note : The QMS documentation must relate to the activities covered in the oil and gas fields.
NB1: The QMS, commonly applied in industry sector of reference, in compliance with other international standards, will be accepted only if they meet all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.
NB2: The Company has the right to carry out audits of the Applicant in order to evaluate the effective implementation and application of the QMS.
1. Documents related to health and safety:
The following documents related to health and safety must be issued on the Applicant’s letterhead and signed by an authorized signatory:
1. General information (name and registered office of the Applicant, employees number and production units),
2. Short description of the most important works performed, with reference to those relevant to this notice.
3. Copy of the documentation relating to risk assessment, including the evaluation criteria based on identified risks, with reference to the ones relevant to this notice.
4. Copy of the certified management system OHSAS 18001:2007 relevant to the health and safety, for activities performed by the Applicant in the industry sector (NB1).
In case of lack of certification of health and safety management system, the Applicant shall provide the following documents:
a) Organization Chart (with details of the roles for the safety and health activities relevant to this notice).
b) Applicant policy concerning health and safety
c) Training of the employees about the health and safety aspects.
d) List of working procedures and safety instructions applied in order to perform the Services of this notice.
The Company has the right to carry out audits in order to verify if the Applicant comply with the requested health and safety procedures.
NB1: management systems for health and safety, commonly applied in industry sector of reference, in line with other international standards, will be admitted only if they meet all the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007
1. Conformity declaration of the equipment, machinery and safety components.
2. A statement that any tools and measurement equipment and monitoring of chemicals related to security are duly certified in compliance with laws and international standards.
B. Technical capacity/ References
In order to be qualified for the tender phase the Applicant shall provide references for services equal or similar to this scope of work Notice, in particular:
1. References for at least three contracts for similar services or maintenance services in Gas Plant with/or Gas Compressor Station.
2. Reference for at least one contract in the last 5 years, for similar services, in a Gas Plant with/or Gas Compressor Station, with power units equal or more than 20 MW.
3. With regard to the most important works performed, details regarding:
a) Type of Contracts
b) Customers (Company profile; reference of the persons providing information)
c) Duration of the services and yearly man hours;
d) Type of services and summary of the scope of work;
e) Contract amount;
f) Specify if the services were provided as main contractor or as subcontractor;
C. Organization & Procedures
1. The Applicant shall provide a description of their structure organization.
2. The Applicant shall also provide detailed information as for:
a) Maintenance Procedures;
b) Maintenance engineering organization and technical support for the management of the problem solving, modifications, improvements, reporting etc...;
c) Material Management and warehouse stock replenishment Procedures:
d) Software in use for Computerized Maintenance and Materials Management:
e) Qualification Programs used for material procurement and an abstract of the procurement internal organization;
a) Abstract of supporting logistic for the provision of the services;
b) Number and qualification of the manpower;
c) List of the equipment and vehicles.
B. Capability/Availability
1. The Applicant shall indicate the expected workload for the next three (3) years
2. The residual free capability for the activities indicated in this notice (h/year) for:
a) Routine maintenance, Predictive maintenance and Preventive maintenance activities for at least 100,000 hours/year;
b) For non-routine maintenance activities (corrective maintenance and / or improvements) for at least 5,000 hours/year.
c) Maintenance engineering and procurement activities for at list 7,000 hours/year.
3. The Applicant shall also indicate:
a) Availability of key- personnel which is intended to be involved in the services of this notice;
b) Organization for “on-call”- availability and expected maximum response time;
c) CV of key- personnel, which is intended to be involved in the service;
d) Number and qualification of the man power which is intended to be involved in the service
e) List of the equipment and vehicles which are intended to be involved in the service
4. The Applicant shall submit a declaration stating that the contractor is in possession of proper knowledge and competence of the necessary requirements, both, technical and professional, related to health, safety and environment and the Scope of work in the workplace, with regard to the activities as per this notice.
C. Company Registration in Libya
Applicants must be aware of the fact that all contractors working in Libya have to be properly registered in the Country. And as such;
a- The Applicant shall submit, with the application, copy of the Company Registration in Libya, if already registered, and details of the Branch Office representative in Libya. (License, Certificate of registration in the Commercial Register, certificate from the Tax Department evidencing payment of tax, valid registration certificate at the Chamber of Commerce).
b- If the applicant is new to Libya, then they shall submit a commitment letter that they will carry all formalities of registration in Libya before any contract is awarded. Such commitment letter should be submitted with pre-qualification documents. Applicant shall be aware of all host country requirements and applicable laws.
A. Economic and financial capacity
1. Applicant must provide a declaration issued on Bidder’s Headed Paper, signed by a manager, containing the following information:
(a) Name of the shareholders, together with the percentage and the title of share ownership;
(b) Financial statements of the last three years, with the following information:
i. Capital Value
ii. Net Assets / Shareholders funds
iii. Turnover, latest year available.
(c) Supporting letters from contractor banks describing the financial state of the contractor and that the banks are willing to support contractor with project required financial needs.
(d) Main declared activity of the company
(e) Holding Company or part of a Group
2. Applicants that do not have an annual turnover of Euro 10MM for the last three years will be excluded from this pre-qualification exercise
I. Further Information
1. Only applications submitting documentary evidence of the information requested will be accepted. The Declarations requested by the Company to the Applicant shall be issued on the letterhead of the Applicant and signed by the authorized signatory.
2. The application shall be drawn up in English.
1. The Company has the right to require all the certifications in order to meet the requirements, prior to conclusion of the pre-qualification phase, and in any case to establish, by any lawful means, the veracity of the statements, even on its own and in its sole discretion, at any time during the bidding process;
2. The request for participation is not binding the Company. The Company has the right to invite to the tender only the selected Applicants.
3. Invitations to tender will include the specifications of the terms and conditions, technical specifications, special conditions, under which the offer will be made.
4. Bid Bond by a primary bank to warrant the validity of the offer will be requested during the bidding phase and specified in the inquiry documents;
5. The documentation required in this notice will be produced as follows:
· Two paper copies,
· Two copies on CD.
6. The documentation referred to point 7 shall be put into an envelope containing the request to participate and shall be marked
“MGCS pre-qualification Documents Confidential - Do not open".
The above envelope should contain a section (called Technical) easily identifiable and can be drawn aside from the rest of the documentation.
7. The technical section will consist of the documentation referred to:
a) Technical capacity / References,
b) Organization,
c) Capability / Availability.
In addition to the documentation required in this announcement, the Applicant may attach, only in the technical section, all the technical documentation appropriate to this application.
8. Application sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted;
9. Application shall not cause any cost or fee to the Company;
10. When submitting application, Applicant shall indicate the address, the e-mail address and the fax number for the communications;
11. The Company shall deal only with authorized officer nominated by the Applicant;
12. The Prequalification Documents containing the above stated requirements shall be submitted, by registered mail, in sealed envelopes marked:
Tender Committee Coordinator
GreenStream B.V – Libya Branch
Dat-el-Imad Complex, Tower 1, 5th Floor
Tripoli – Libya
1. Information only can be requested at: info@greenstreambv.com or murad.elfituri@greenstreambv.com Fax: +218 213350031
2. Company shall retain all documents and material submitted by the applicant and shall not have an obligation to return them to the applicant.
(Source: NOC)