The arrival of spring for members of the EU-funded NET-MED Youth has been marked by quite a few high-level meetings with European Union officials, including the EU High Representative for foreign affairs Federica Mogherini.
Late March, Khadija Ali, NET-MED Youth National Project Officer in Libya, met several representatives of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU’s diplomatic service.
They engaged in discussions about the activities and achievements of NET-MED Youth. Khadija presented examples of sustainable actions and best practices acquired by the project since its start, such as the empowerment of young people at the local levels by working with NGOs and by developing the capacities of youth so they could play a role in the design and implementation of programs relevant to them in cooperation with national experts and decision-makers.
The first week of April saw NET-MED Youth member Meriem Chikirou from Algeria take part in a meeting with EU High representative Federica Mogherini during her official visit to Algiers.
Meriem was part of a group of five young representatives of Algeria’s civil society invited by the national EU Delegation. Over a friendly breakfast including also the EU Ambassador, Meriem who was the spokesperson of the group, discussed the large and positive impact of NET-MED Youth on civil society in the country through its participatory and innovative approaches that make youth partners and active leaders of the project’s actions.
“I strongly believe that NET-MED Youth has succeeded in putting forward the youth organisations that are members of its working group,” says Meriem. “NET-MED Youth has been providing youth with new skills, competencies, visibility and self-confidence.”
NET-MED Youth aims to improve the access and effective participation of young people in mainstreaming their priorities into legislation and national planning in the Southern Mediterranean Partner countries. Specifically, it aims to build the capacities of youth organisations in ENP South countries and to enhance networking among them in order to reduce the fragmentation of efforts and harness the collective potential of young people in achieving democratic transition towards active citizenship, political participation and social inclusion.
(Source: EU)