IOM Libya DTM Report: 294,436 Internally Displaced, 196,852 Return Home
IOM Libya’s latest Displacement Tracking Matrix Mobility Tracking report shows that there are 294,436 IDP individuals residing in 89 baladiyas (municipalities) across the country and 196,852 individuals who have returned to their homes across 30 baladiyas.
Data collection for IOM Libya’s eighth Mobility Tracking report, was carried out from mid-January to mid-February across all baladiyas and muhallas (neighbourhoods) in the country. The report is the first to reflect DTM’s updated Mobility Tracking data collection methodology for 2017.
To provide more context to internally displaced persons (IDP) and returnee needs and vulnerabilities, new baseline indicators have been added on health, education, livelihoods, nutrition, public services, security, and community relations between residents, IDPs and returnees.
These aim to provide humanitarian partners with tools to flag and identify areas within the country that may require targeting of specific types of assistance or prioritize aid based on a more comprehensive vulnerability analysis.
The largest number of IDPs identified continues to be in Benghazi with 38,400 IDPs reported during this round. Other baladiyas hosting large numbers of IDPs are Abusliem, Bani Waleed, Ejdabia and Misrata.
IDP relations with residents in baladiyas were reported to be good or excellent, and in 17 per cent of baladiyas the presence of IDPs was reported to have a positive impact on the local labour market in terms of generating greater economic activity.
IDPs’ main reported sources of income were public employment, small business or trading, or aid from NGOs or the government. Eighty-six per cent of identified IDPs resided in private accommodation, 87 per cent of whom were in self-paid rented accommodation.