5. The Quartet also expressed its concern about recent security incidents and threats of violence in Tripoli. It saluted efforts aimed at consolidating a reduction in tensions in the capital and welcomed the return of calm in the oil crescent. It called on the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord to continue to assert its authority and address security issues in the capital and elsewhere and called for renewed efforts among all parties to consolidate more durable security arrangements throughout the country.
6. Recognizing the importance of consolidating stability and security along Libya’s borders, the Quartet reiterated its support for Libyan and regional measures to improve border security and pledged to enhance coordination in this field.
7. The Quartet commended the efforts by the Constitutional Drafting Assembly to finalize a draft constitution and expressed its appreciation for the work made so far, most recently with the draft published on 16 April 2017. It called for the constitution-drafting process to be concluded as soon as possible to pave the way to general and presidential elections.
8. The Quartet continued to encourage all Libyan parties to engage in constructive and inclusive talks to fully implement the Libyan Political Agreement. It welcomed all efforts and encouraging progress resulting from recent meetings between Libyan stakeholders, in particular between Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in Abu Dhabi on 2nd-3rd May 2017 and between the President of the House of Representatives, Agila Saleh and the President of the High State Council, Abdulrahman Sewehli in Rome on 21st April 2017.