On 26 June, a man died and 6 other civilians (3 men, 2 children and 1 woman) were injured in tribal armed clashes in Sabha.
UNSMIL was unable to determine with certainty which parties to the conflict caused the other civilian casualties in June.
Civilian Facilities
On 3 June, patients were evacuated from the main hospital in the city of al-Zawiya as a result of armed clashes in the vicinity. The hospital remained closed for several days following the incident.
Other Casualties
During June, two videos emerged on social media depicting the apparent summary executions of 6 men in eastern Libya. In both videos, a Benghazi field commander of the Special Forces, Mahmoud al-Werfalli, is clearly identifiable. The same commander appeared in earlier videos of summary executions (see March and May 2017 Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties).
On 4 June, 7 sub-Saharan African migrants suffocated inside a truck, allegedly after being locked in and abandoned by smugglers in the area of Garabulli. Officials with the Ministry of Interior uncovered the truck with deflated tires, but apparently did not open the doors until hours later once it was towed to Tripoli.
On 19 June, the body of a Tawerghan man, who had found shelter at the Tarik al-Matar IDP camp in Tripoli following the 2011 armed conflict, was brought to a Tripoli morgue, bearing signs of beatings and fractures. He has been seized a few days earlier.
The figures for civilian casualties set out above only include persons killed or injured in the course of hostilities and who were not directly participating in the hostilities. The figures do not include those casualties that are not a direct result of hostilities, for example executions after capture, torture or abductions, or casualties caused as an indirect consequence of hostilities. The figures are based on information UNSMIL has gathered and cross-checked from a broad range of sources in Libya, including human rights defenders, civil society, current and former officials, employees of local governments, community leaders and members, witnesses, others directly affected and media reports. In order to assess the credibility of information obtained, where possible, UNSMIL reviewed documentary information, including medical records, forensic reports and photographic evidence.