Comments Hassan:
“This positive move forward provides us with the mandate and the authority to continue the reform programme we initiated last year.
“The LIA and its assets are for Libyan citizens. We look forward to closely working with our partners and subsidiaries so that we are aligned in our mission for transparency, accountability and improvement in our governance, ensuring that we are doing what is right for the people of Libya.”
Under Hassan's chair, the LIA Interim Steering Committee's recent reforms include: unifying the LIA’s operating units in Tripoli (its HQ) and Malta; developing a road map for the future of the LIA’s governance through its programme with the Natural Resource Governance Institute; protecting and preserving its assets; and building the foundations for effective governance and transparency.
Supporting Hassan, the rest of the Board will comprise: Mr Abdul Azia Khalid Ali; Mr AlHadi Najm Al-Deen Kabar; Mr Khalid Khalifa Hassin Taher; and Mr Ahmed Abdullah Amar. All will take up their roles with immediate effect. Dr. Abdul Azia will be working closely with NRGI, as head of the Governance Committee to ensure that the LIA improves its adherence with Santiago principles alongside NRGI.
Ms. Jana Momaz Regional Associate from NRGI MENA, Project Manager said:
“This is tremendous news to us as an organisation and we wish to build on the momentum built by this decision to continue to assist the LIA in improving its adherence to the Santiago Principles.''