Seven communications officers from Kikla, Obari, Sabha and Sirte municipalities has completed a specialized training in strategic communication held in Tripoli from 14 to 17 August. Organized by the Stabilization Facility for Libya project (SFL), led by Government of National Accord (GNA) and implemented by UNDP, the four-day workshop brought the participants the opportunity to learn more about how to communicate with the citizens.
"We came from different regions. We witnessed our people suffering, and we are here to connect with communications officers from other municipalities so together we can improve the way we transmit information to our people,” said one of the participants.
“I participated in this training program because I really believe that media have an important role to play in this political transition that Libya is facing, and the way that we as municipalities communicate need to improve,” expressed another participant.
During the training, the communication officers learned about social media strategies, human interest stories, and media relations.
“The skills that I am getting here will allow me to improve my communications with media, so that the citizens can be well informed about the work Obari Municipality is doing with the support of the GNA to rehabilitate public buildings through SFL project”, said Khalil Khalifa, head of the Media and Public Relations Office at the Municipality of Obari.
“The people in Obari need to know that they are not alone and that the municipality is working to provide them with essential services,” he explained.
Abdenasser Med Jemaa, Kikla Municipality Communication Officer, prepares a presentation about the new Communication Strategy that he is planning to implement in his municipality.
Khalil Khalifa has worked in the media business for many years. He is one of the participants from Obari, a city that is trying to recover after more than a year of armed conflict.
Like him, the rest of the participants are living similar conditions in their cities.
“There are several stories that describe how Sabha municipality is trying to help people. These stories deserve to be known,” said Omar Altmtam, communication officer at Sabha Municipality. “It is our duty as communications officers to narrate them in a professional way.”
The aim of the training is to raise municipalities’ capacities to create communication channels with their citizens in order to inform and show tangible results achieved by local authorities in its attempt of meeting the community’s needs.
“All the media outlets that were active during the war should double their efforts in this stabilization period. With this training, we are getting ready to provide them with truthful and objective information,” expressed Musbah from Kikla Municipality.
The last day of the training the participants created an action plan and a communication strategy that they will implement in their municipalities.
(Source: UNDP in Libya)