The GNA-appointed Chairman of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), Dr Ali Mahmoud Hassen Mohammed and his Board of Directors, have received support from key international actors in its bid to alleviate the constraints of the UN Security Council sanctions, allowing better management of Libya’s sole sovereign wealth fund.
Continuing this effort, the Authority met last at the end of last week with the newly-appointed UN Special Representative of the Secretary General to Libya, Dr Ghassan Salamé and his delegation. At the meeting, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) were understanding of LIA efforts to enable better management of Libya’s assets through smart sanctions.
During the meeting Dr Ali Mahmoud Hassen said:
“We are delighted with our progress, and confident that the LIA will be able to secure the sovereign wealth of the Libyan people and gain the support needed from the UN sanctions Committee to reach a solution that ensures preservation of Libya’s assets in the current political climate.”
Dr Salamé commended LIA on the progress it has made to date and expressed UN readiness to assist the authority enhance its governance and operations to benefit all Libyans.
Yesterday’s meeting with the UN Special Representative follows a series of meetings with international governments, namely the UK and US.
Dr Ali Mahmoud Hassen states:
“With the backing of the GNA and the international community, we are ensuring that we act in the best interests of the Libyan people by putting in place the right measures to help protect and preserve Libya’s sovereign wealth. That is our sole priority.”