By John Lee.
The First Scientific Conference for Environment and Sustainable Development titled "Air pollution in the Western Plain" was held on 11-12 November 2017 in Al Jamail city. The Conference was organized by the Steering Committee of Al Jamail Municipality and sponsored by Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) and Mellita Oil & Gas.
For NOC's interest in participating in such conferences and supporting them, Dr. Salem Abdalla Aljwashi, Manager of Health, Safety and Environment Department at NOC and Head of the Committee formed by a decision of the Chairman of the Board to conduct a study of the environmental and health impact in the western region, represented NOC and delivered a speech in which he referred to NOC's full commitment to improve the environmental situation in the western region.
He also asserted that NOC considers man and environment as its focus of attention. Dr. Aljwashi gave an idea about the works performed by the environmental survey team and its efforts to come to conclusions that contribute to finding a radical solution to the pollution problem in that region.
Representatives of Mellita Oil & Gas Company and the Libyan Petroleum Institute participated in the Conference as well.
(Source: NOC)