UNMAS supports Libyan Women to organize the first Small Arms and Light Weapons National Awareness Day in Libya
A cohort of Libyan women, trained by UNMAS on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Risk Awareness, organized the first SALW National Awareness Day in Libya where they raised awareness on small arms and light weapons risks and control measures through risk education sessions, distribution of risk awareness material, radio channel program.
In Benghazi, two events were held at the Children’s Theater and the International Medical School where 300 people attended the plays and musical performance given by children, awareness-raising art performance, group discussions, presentations and videos.
In Sabha, the event held in the Language Center focused on the SALW project implemented by UNMAS since 2015, safe storage and safe handling messages and group discussions. 300 people received brochures, flyers and posters.
In Zawia, the event took place in Saba Hall where a photo exhibition on the women’s awareness raising activities was displayed and 500 people received awareness-raising materials.
This initiative results from the pilot project on gender-based SALW awareness raising implemented by UNMAS, with the support of the Government of Switzerland, to empower a group of 12 women from different areas in Libya to become agents of change in their communities. Between 2015 and 2017, the participants were engaged in 4 educational workshops and developed risk awareness messages, which they delivered on a voluntary basis in their communities.
In parallel, UNMAS, with the support of the Government of Italy, implemented a new project in order to increase the involvement of Libya’s young generations in SALW risk education. A new group of 10 women under the age of 30, completed 3 similar trainings in 2017.
The widespread availability of small arms and light weapons (SALW) in Libya poses remarkable security risks, playing a particularly detrimental role for the safety of civilians and local communities.
(Source: UNSMIL)