EU-funded project supports female participation in Libyan economic growth
As part of the EU-funded CSO WINS project, the association Jusoor Center for Studies and Development launched an advocacy campaign in Libya with the goal of increasing the percentage of Libyan women who formally register their businesses.
A one-minute video released in the framework of this campaign highlights the consequences of the shadow economy on female economic activity and their effective participation in the national economic growth.
The CSO WINS project targets local associations in order to strengthen their ability to mobilise public opinion with the aim of asserting women’s rights and encourage them to monitor women-related policies in the political, professional and social sectors at a local, national and Euro-Mediterranean level.
It is funded by the Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument, and implemented by the European Institute of the Mediterranean through the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation.
(Source: EU)