The EU adopts new programmes and projects of €467 million and continues to deliver on its commitments to assist vulnerable migrants and refugees as well as address root causes of irregular migration. Thanks to EU-IOM joint work, 150 migrants received assistance to return from Libya to Mogadishu, Somalia, in one day.
The measures will complement the work of the African Union-European Union-United Nations Joint Taskforce. In her speech before Parliament EU High Representative / Vice-President Federica Mogherini said:
"It is the first time ever that a work like this has been put in place. This has been possible over the last months thanks to a partnership that has never existed like this before, between the European Union, the United Nations and the African Union."
The European Union's work with the UNHCR has so far allowed for 1,287 refugees to be evacuated from Libya to Niger through the Emergency Transit Mechanism and 108 people have been further resettled to Europe.
In parallel, assisted voluntary return and reintegration assistance under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration is continuous work. Thanks to joint efforts by the EU and UN – in collaboration with the Libyan and Somali authorities – 150 migrants were able to return from Libya to Mogadishu, Somalia, on May 30, 2018.
With the IOM, the EU helped 22,000 migrants stranded along the routes to return home, where they receive reintegration support.
(Source: EU)