Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) has announced the launch of its new Research Fellows Programme, which will be an integral part of its Research and Capacity Building Programme.
LFJL’s Research and Capacity Building Programme contributes to policy and civil society thinking on human rights, the rule of law, and justice issues in Libya.
In a statement, LFJL said:
"In our research, we examine human rights issues in order to offer precise and informed recommendations which we build into our work and share through capacity building with stakeholders, including lawyers, activists, journalists and judges. This programme will now be supported by our expert team of ResearchFellows.
"The Research Fellows are senior researchers with expertise on a diverse range of subjects including international criminal justice, constitutional law and gender equality,with whom LFJL will engage to produce distinct pieces of research on a regular basis. Get to know more about our Research Fellows here.
"This new structure and partnership will enable LFJL to continue producing high quality independent research with the aim of filling the knowledge deficit on Libya. The Research Fellows will focus on investigating issues that aim to provide meaningful insight into Libya’s human rights challenges, identify new opportunities to achieve social change and amplify our understanding of human rights issues.
"We are excited to partner with this amazing team and look forward to sharing with you theresearch and recommendations we produce together."
(Source: LFJL)