By John Lee.
The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders:
- Desludging and Cleaning of Stabilized Condensate Tank at Wafa Onshore Field, Mellitah Oil & Gas
- Equipment Foundation and Structure Repairs, Sirte Oil Company (SOC)
- Replacement of Refinery Cooling Water System, Sirte Oil Company (SOC)
- Refilling bottles for al-Jurf Field (Oxygen, Acetylene, Nitrogen), Mabruk Oil Operations (MOO)
- Provision of Supply Vessel to offshore Bouri Field, Mellitah Oil & Gas
- Provision of Wellheads and associated services, Zalaf Oil Company
(Source: National Oil Corporation)
(Picture: Call for tender written on a folder, from Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock)