The Society for Libyan Studies offers a variety of different grant schemes to support primary research in Libya and the broader North African region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Mali, Chad, Sudan) and to explore connections between North Africa and the Mediterranean or sub-Saharan Africa.
Research may take place within the region, or be UK-based, depending on its nature.
The next deadline is Thursday 10 January, 2019.
The Society currently offers the following types of awards:
- Travel Grants (up to £800): for exploratory research visits. This award is open to PhD applicants at UK universities, as well as applicants who hold a doctorate and are ordinarily resident in the UK.
- Pilot Project Awards (up to £3000): This award is open to scholars who hold a doctorate and are ordinarily resident in the UK.
- Team-based research awards (up to £7500): This award is open to scholars who hold a doctorate and are ordinarily resident in the UK.
- Project Affiliation Applications.
For more information about each of these award and to download an application form, see below.
Preference will be given to Humanities and Social Sciences projects which fit within the Society’s current research schemes:
- Society And Environment Across North Africa, From Deep Prehistory To The Present.
- Migration, Diaspora And Identity In North Africa
- Governance, Security And Conflict In North Africa
Special calls for other research themes may be issued at other points in the year.
The Society’s Research Grants Committee, led by the Chairman, Prof. Kevin MacDonald, is responsible for considering grant applications. Dr Saul Kelly is the external assessor.
For more information and to apply for one of the Society’s grants, please contact Pauline Graham, the Society’s General Secretary:
(Source: Society for Libyan Studies)