EU supports Resilience and Recovery in 36 Municipalities across Libya
The Ministry of Local Governance, the European Union, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) agreed on 1st July at the Third Steering Committee of the “Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery” project to provide better services to six municipalities in Greater Tripoli (Hai Andalus, Ain Zara, Abu Salim, Asabia, Sidi Sayeh, and Tripoli Center).
This comes in addition to the support that six municipalities across Libya are already receiving, and that 24 more will receive from the 50-million EU-funded project implemented by UNDP in collaboration with UNICEF and Italy.
The objective of the three-year project is to contribute to better provision of basic services at local level, support local authorities and administrations in fulfilling their role and responsibilities and create job opportunities for youth and vulnerable groups.
A total of 36 Municipalities from the East, West and South are the target of activities aimed at helping local authorities to restore security, essential services delivery and livelihoods opportunities.
With funds from the EU, UNDP has already rehabilitated 27 key social infrastructures, provided 37 sets of equipment for health sector, and invested US$2 million in water and sanitation in Murzuq, Kufra, Benghazi and Sabratha. 1.7 million people are already benefiting from the implementation of US$ 15 million worth of projects.
The Steering committee also approved the launch of a series of capacity needs assessments in 11 of the targeted municipalities, and decided to bolster economic recovery and job creation activities in Tripoli and Sebha.
This project is implemented in the framework of the €90 million programme "Managing mixed migration flows in Libya through expanding protection space and supporting local socioeconomic development" financed by the North of Africa Window of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.
The main objective of this programme is to comprehensively reinforce protection and resilience of migrants, refugees and host communities in Libya while supporting an improved migration management along the migration routes in the country.
(Source: EU)